Wednesday, May 20, 2009


By: Ceci Sullivan

REGRETS DISEASE...will you have a life of regret, or will you have the satisfaction and joy that belong to those who obey?

Christian hypocrites will be the biggest reason the saints are overcome as the book of Revelation speaks of. Those Christians who are content to be carnal. The ones who are sick, weak and asleep, due to their communion with devils. Those who fail to examine themselves, and move out, in thought word and deed without faith. A life of regret is a life of shame and sorrow and sadness in the end. It's the reward of the fearful. Those who have been content to bury their talent.

Oh what a sorrowful day will it be for those who haven't counted the cost of their fearful, unbelieving ways. The day that will appear and the disobedient will see their works burn, and will look upon the life they could have had...if they only believed!! How many doors has the Lord put in front of you, that would have led to power, love and a sound mind? How many doors have you refused to go through that would have led to prosperity in love, faith and kept you from having holes in your pockets?...What will you say when you have to face all that fear kept you from? How many tares have you sown in the hearts of others due to your own carnality, that one day you won't be able to escape facing? How many things will come back to haunt you, and bite you that you would not judge because you somehow thought you could escape responsibility?

There are many who are afraid of responsibility so they bury their heads in the sand...believing that if they close their eyes they can escape the day of reckoning. They don't want to believe their is a pay day someday, because they know what they deserve, so they close their eyes and pretend...but God will not be mocked...WE WILL REAP WHAT WE SOW, AND THERE IS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS WITH GOD!

I think of so many who refused to be like Jesus, and sanctify themselves unto the truth for the sake of others. They wouldn't enter into faith, and were a locked door to those who would. Some have been that to their children. Being content to be overcome by lies and darkness, and were too blind to see how to remove the twig from their children's eye. OH REGRETS DISEASE. The affliction of the disobedient. The affliction of the carnal. Those who have changed the test curve...who lower God's standards to appease their flesh. To obey their sensuality. Who say they love God, but in works they deny Him...and give the world reason to blaspheme THE ONE who came to save us.

Oh how sorrowful regrets disease will be for those who have led a sensual life, not a spirit led life. To have to watch those who REALLY SERVED THE FATHER BE ABLE TO SIT DOWN WITH JESUS AT GOD'S TABLE ONE DAY...AND BE SERVED BY THE KING OF KINGS. To have to watch the banquet and feast of heaven and earth...and not be able to partake of it. To have to watch others who have served Jesus, the ones who ceased from sin, be honored by God, and the Son of God. To have to see all the beautiful crowns on the heads of those who overcame, BECAUSE THOSE WITH REGRETS DISEASE...ALWAYS MADE EXCUSES TO FULFILL THE LUST OF THEIR FLESH! To have to hear Jesus say "enter in" thou good and faithful servant, when you know most of your Christianity was spent serving yourself. To see others entering into the Joy of The Lord...Eternal Rest...and those with regrets disease...eternal shame!

So everyday, how much of your works will burn? Do you lay on your bed and consider it before you close your eyes at night? Do you even have enough shame to regret all the times you didn't let Jesus be Lord in your life today? Did you plant good seeds or thistles? How much did you consider THE LORD OF THE HARVEST in your works today? How many doors did you refuse to go through because of your lack of faith and love? Oh regrets disease will be rampant for those who wouldn't sanctify themselves for the sake of others. For those who yielded to the flesh...and bore fruit after their own kind!

How much regret will you have, when you have to face all the things you could have done and didn't due to your lack of faith which works BY LOVE? Regrets disease will be heavy for those who didn't have their eyes on Jesus and heaven. Those who didn't have hope in sitting at THE KING'S TABLE! Who wouldn't purify themselves...because they had no eternal vision......nor did they seek it. The only regret that the obedient will have is when they have to watch the persecution of the saints in the end times because of those who justified all their hypocrisy's and gave the world all kinds of excuses to put to death the saints...and gave the world REASONS to BLASPHEME the God of Heaven. Love is seen by what we do, and there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and woe unto you if you don't believe it. So how did you defend the reputation of the God you say you love and serve today? How much is He really worth defending to you? Do you love Him enough to sanctify your self? What will your face look like when you are rewarded by Jesus for the deeds done in your flesh? When everyone will know who you really spent your days supping with by who you sup with in the end! Choose wisely the cup you partake of! - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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