Tuesday, December 22, 2009

End of the world in 2012?

What is your position on the alleged end of the world in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar?

The Mayan calendar is a highly complex system of multiple calendars. One of its many calendars is referred to as the Long Count. The time cycle of the Long Count is marked to end on Dec 21 2012 (some say December 22nd, 23rd or even other dates). This has led to the belief that the world will end on that date, in a most catastrophic manner, with very few survivors.

According to the Mayan calendar we live in the fourth age, out of seven ages in total. This current age will end in Dec 2012. In the fifth age, it is believed that humanity (whatever was left from the fourth age) will realize its spiritual destiny. During the ensuing sixth age, mankind will realize God within. In the last age, the seventh, the believers in the Mayan calendar believe that mankind will be so spiritual that we will be telepathic.

At World's Last Chance we not only find no biblical support for the beliefs stemming from study of the Mayan calendar, we also note distinct contradictions between the beliefs underpinning the Mayan calendar and Bible facts. Furthermore, though we believe that the end is sooner than most people believe, this belief is underpinned by the sure word of Bible prophecy. Unless it has been revealed in His infallible word, then any man-made effort to project a precise date for the end would should be considered as pure speculation and conjecture.

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