By: Michael Fackerell
If you were Satan, the god of this world (II Corinthians 4:4), the prince of this evil age, what would you do? Being intelligent, you can read the Bible to find out what God Almighty is planning for you. And what is He planning? Well, according to the Scripture the plan is that Jesus will come back to the earth and destroy the antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:8; Revelation 20:10). At that time, you read, you will lose your power on earth, be judged, bound and soon cast into the lake of fire? Does this sound like a good day for the devil? To go from dominion over the earth to disgrace and torment? I don't think so.
So, as the devil, you look up the Scripture to find out when Jesus will return. And you find out that lots of bad stuff will happen, but basically, first "this gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all peoples and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). You notice in the King James Version that the people of God can hasten the day of the Lord's coming (2 Peter 3:12). The devil can be secure in his kingdom just as long as the gospel does not penetrate the whole globe, and people remain unreached.
What would Satan do? Well, if I was the devil, I would put a lot of effort into STOPPING the gospel from getting out to all the world.
Let me suggest that this is exactly what the devil IS doing. But how to achieve the goal? Well, the only ones who can reasonably be expected to preach the true gospel are Christians. Therefore Christians must be stopped from preaching the gospel. If you want to help the devil in his goal to keep his kingdom by stopping the gospel from being preached in all the world, here are some things YOU as a Christian can do:
1. Convince yourself that this is the job for evangelists but never help an evangelist to do that job.
2. Don't preach the gospel yourself. Justify this by saying that it is not your ministry, not your calling. Tell yourself and others that your calling is to serve the church, to be a prophet, to care for the flock, to make money, to raise a happy family, to be "faithful" - but NOT to do something so basic and uncool as to preach the gospel to the unconverted.
3. Teach Christians a new watered down gospel that doesn't demand repentance. Obedience to Christ should be an optional extra in this gospel. Make sure your focus is on Christians. Do not do anything that could cause an unbeliever to inadvertently get interested in the Bible.
4. Redefine evangelism as any action that could lead a person closer to Christ. Get away from any definition that sees evangelism in terms of actually preaching the gospel.
5. Make sure you keep yourself and others very busy in everything except preaching the gospel. Tell yourself that right now its important for you to earn more, to learn more, to care for your family, to read another book, to play another computer game, to buy another CD even to get closer to God, as long as you don't ever get involved yourself in telling others the gospel.
6. Make sure that when you give, you do not give to those whose ministry is to preach the gospel. Tell them to make tents. Pay for prophecies, buy teaching tapes to tell you how to get rich, healed and happy, support those who care for your spiritual needs if you must and the occasional preacher of prosperity, but do not give to them that call themselves evangelists. If you give them anything, give them discouragement.
7. Be as ignorant as possible of the spiritual needs of places far away from you, where people don't know or believe the gospel. Believe that if you can't see them, God can't see them either. Don't encourage anyone to go to the ends of the earth as long as you can see some problems in your local area that need addressing or discussing.
8. Look for exciting new teachings and revelations which have never been heard of except in the last 10 or 15 years and explain to everyone why THIS teaching is going to be the thing that will get the church back on track and give us endless spiritual fulfillment.
If you can think of any other strategies to help the devil stay on as "god of this world", why not write me, so I can add them to my collection?
I believe that together, if we all follow points 1 to 8 and teach others to do so by word and deed, we could keep Jesus away for at least another few generations. How about it?
Just remember, W.W.S.D.
Yours for the lost and perishing
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