By: Norm Rasmussen
In light of the tragic events that began to unfold in America on September 11, 2001, I feel moved to share why I have titled this writing as I have. Before I begin however, to all those whose lives have been painfully affected by this recent turn of events in American history, Kathleen and my heart aches with yours, especially if you have lost love ones. We, like multitudes of others have prayed regularly for you, and will continue to do so in the future.
Like most everyone else, I have attempted to follow along with events as they have unfolded. As I have, asking God for wisdom and insight into these events, I want to express some things I feel God wants me to say. I have heard it said that this is a “Holy War” against this country. To those launching it, that might make some “sense.” To those of us it is being launched against, it is just the opposite. In fact, it is my opinion that it is an “Unholy War.” It is a war of Evil against Good. Evil has raised its ugly head even higher to make a statement loud and clear:
“We detest ANY nation or people that align themselves with Jews and born again Christians. They must be removed from the face of the Earth at any or all costs.”
It is not a pleasant reality in any sense, and yet it is recorded in both the Old and New Testament that the greatest conflict of the history of the Earth will be played out in the affairs of mankind before lasting peace and security will be instituted upon this planet.
For those who have understanding as to why our Lord desires that we pray to Him for wisdom for our leaders, and ourselves, let us be diligent to do so. Our way of life will now change greatly.
Outside of LOVE … HATE is probably the most energizing emotion a spirit possesses. HATE unrestrained seeks an outlet. HATE bottled up inside oneself will cause emotional, internal “cancer” if you will, that will take its toll in many different destructive ways on the human body, soul, and spirit. In my opinion (and I’m certainly open to correction and opposing opinions), I believe why the Scriptures from the Bible tell us to forgive is ultimately the anecdote to HATE. We are exhorted to forgive those we hate, for if we don’t, bottled up hate will ultimately cause one to lash out and destroy obstacles in it’s path in enraged anger, even if they are “innocent” obstacles that had nothing to do with giving me the rage in the first place.
[As a side note, I DON’T believe we’re simply to forgive our enemy and LEAVE it at that in ALL cases. In the case of what has happened to America on 9/11/01, we are not only to forgive, but YES… we are to seek retribution against our oppressors, otherwise their attacks against us will only increase. In other words, Jesus told us to forgive, but the Holy Spirit also exhorts us to use the wisdom of the Old Testament that we’re NOT to let our enemies run roughshod over us after we’ve forgiven them].
Yet “retribution against our ENEMY” is what I want to bring to the forefront of this writing. WHO is our REAL enemy? The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12-13 that when we battle evil, we are battling forces in the unseen, spiritual realm. Though one might say this is a bunch of “hooey,” truly one can NOT prove otherwise.
Yet the scriptures in Ephesians Chapter 6 of the New Testament implies to me that it is the evil powers of darkness influencing human beings to do the evil that happened at the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon.
WHY are the powers of darkness venting their hate against America, one might ask. Most of us can come up with answers that are correct, in and of themselves. Answers such as: Evil HATES Democracy, because Evil desires to Control. Evil desires to rule by ONE entity, not several. Dictatorship forms of rule on earth are probably the greatest expression of control on earth.
Evil HATES the prosperity of others, and says that if those perpetrating the evil can’t have it, no one else should either.
Evil HATES freedom. The freedom to vote. The freedom to live out the “American Dream.” The freedom to believe what one wants to believe about spirituality and God, and to express those beliefs freely and publicly if one desires to do so.
I believe it is most fitting at this juncture of our Nation that we wisely heed the words given to us in the New Testament portion of Matthew 5:44: “Pray for your enemies…” In so doing, it not only tempers our hate, but it also opens the doors for us to receive wisdom from God in how we are now to battle our enemy. For if we do not battle this enemy, it will only gain further influence over us.
You see, our government right now wants to know who is FOR us, and who is AGAINST us. That is understandable. However, in and of itself, that will never hold substance. Those of us who have experienced the pain of divorce understand how quickly love can turn to hate and revenge.
There are people living around each one of us in America who are holding low-level hate inside and may not consciously realize it. Not just hate for those responsible for the attacks on 9/11 (911- Interesting, huh?). There is racial hate bottled up. There is religious hate bottled up. There is political hate bottled up. There is hate in abused women bottled up. There is hate in our youth bottled up. There is hate from the poor because their plight has not been addressed in many cases. The list for reasons to hate goes on and on.
I submit that the powers of darkness spoken of in Ephesians Chapter 6 desire with all of their being to take advantage of this HATE bottled up inside of those that have it.
Evil powers in the unseen realm have a number of hindrances restraining their hate from unleashing its end desire upon the human race. Two of the MAJOR reasons are these:
1) America’s financial and military might.
2) People who unite and stand together in America and around the world, and fight the evil powers in the spiritual realm through rightly applying the spiritual weapons of armor spoken of in Ephesians Chapter 6, all the while refraining from giving part to the destruction of unrestrained anger and deception that evil forces desire that these same people may be tempted to give themselves to.
In addressing point number one, I believe that the first victory Evil seeks to win is the ever-weakening of the American economy. A country crippled economically cannot stay the world's superpower indefinitely, nor can it remain the world's strongest militarily without finances to keep it that way.
In addressing point number two, military strategists have known from a long time ago that to win a conflict, you attack your enemy from WITHOUT if necessary, and in the best of all options, let them attack themselves from within. When your enemy begins attacking themselves from WITHIN, it makes your job easier in winning the battle.
I submit that the powers of evil are fully aware that attacking America from WITHOUT … without successfully getting us to attack ourselves from WITHIN will be mostly wasted time.
With full intensity, Evil will now seek to get the peoples of America to fight themselves from WITHIN. This will be attempted primarily through ANGER, HATE, REVENGE, FEAR, PARANOIA, LIES, MISTRUST, MISINFORMATION and DISINFORMATION.
Because the Body of Christ is evil's greatest hindrance in accomplishing its ultimate end of global control . . . Evil will seek to ensnare "soldiers" to participate in "The Great Christian Civil War." [Remember: "Religion" is the facade Satan uses to hide behind to do much of his spiritual maneuvering in the affairs of mankind. "Relationship" with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ lived out in obedience to God's Word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit is the ONLY way one will now be able to stay free from "The Great Christian Civil War."]
Once the peoples of America have nearly expended themselves emotionally on fighting each other from within, then ultimately FALSE hope will be extended to them. Hopeless, emotionally strained people will reach out to deception like dangling candy in front of a starving baby.
Should our economy one day be seriously crippled, another economy will ultimately replace it. It will ultimately be a means of buying and selling sold to humanity that promises to bring humanity closer to "peace" and "safety." After all, whoever ultimately controls the finances controls the world. I believe God has attempted to forewarn us of this evil economy in the New Testament book of Revelation, Chapter 13, verses 16-17.
I believe that people who attempt to warn of this evil plan will not only be denounced and discredited, but ultimately will be silenced if necessary.
I believe that we must use great wisdom in making PUBLIC statements that the attacks against Americans is “God’s Judgment” against this nation. To do so will only cause hate to bring unnecessary persecution to Christians by “association.” However, I believe God's people needs to understand the difference between "judgment" and "warning," especially NOW. I believe God is warning America, and His people, to LISTEN to what He has to say about things from this moment forward. To not do so can bring untold pain to multitudes.
Evil has battled Good from the beginning of time. Ultimately, the Bible says that Good will triumph over Evil. However, there is one little complication in so doing: WHO is our enemy, and WHO is our friend? Certain “religious” people of Jesus’ day hung Him on a cross, and then sought out to persecute and ultimately eradicate His disciples and followers off the face of the earth. That HATE has never died in the human race. Sadly, yet soberly, it desires to be unleashed now more than ever.
“Heavenly Father, please give us wisdom to refrain from aiding and abetting evil, that we might stay on the side of Good and be active in the battle against Evil, rather than making Evil easier to attain it's ultimate desire: the total eradication of born again Christians and Jews."
As a closing thought, I wish to impart what I believe God has to say about all the turmoil that will now spread across this globe in greater measure. What Satan means for evil, God has unlimited power to turn into good. God is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. "Refining, purging and purifying" those who belong to Him is as much a truth of God's Word as Salvation is by grace and grace alone.
Norm Rasmussen
Director, Precious Testimonies
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