Which Bible is the right one? Which Bible is the most accurate translation? Why all the different translations of the Bible in the first place?
Maybe this will help answer some questions you have:
Let's view all the popular translations of the Holy Bible as an old covered wagon wheel.
The center hub of the wheel is TRUTH. All spokes of the wheel spiral inward to the center -- to TRUTH.
What holds ALL the spokes together is the outside rim. We know it's primary purpose is to keep the wagon wheel intact, able to serve its purpose. Let's view the outside rim as God. If the outside rim begins to fall apart, everything moving toward the center of the wheel will also fall apart, and the wheel will stop functioning.
Spiritually speaking, each spoke attempts to give a little better understanding to those seeking to know TRUTH. Their purpose is not intended to confuse nor contradict other spokes. Their purpose is to look at TRUTH from a little different perspective, so that if words of another "spoke" (Different Bible translation, in other words) doesn't quite help the reader understand, perhaps another "spoke" will.
Jesus Christ is recorded in EVERY popular translation of the Bible as TRUTH. He Himself said He IS TRUTH.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life." -- (John 14:6)
People can say that truth is "relative," yet they can't prove it.
People can say that Jesus Christ was a total imposter of the real Messiah, yet they can't prove it.
People can say that all the popular translations of the Bible are in fact true or false ... that Jesus Christ IS TRUTH or isn't TRUTH... yet no one can prove it but God Himself.
What has always amazed so many is that He doesn't go out of His way at all to try to PROVE He is right. To me, that is was at first stunning, and yet ... I've come to realize that He reserves His very BEST for those who want to become a true disciple of His.
I can't PROVE He is TRUTH, of course ... but in all honesty, no one can PROVE He isn't, either.
Out of the masses of humanity, some say He's truth; most say He isn't.
I figure -- what is there to lose by believing He IS TRUTH, like He claims in all the major translations of the Bible, and letting Him convince me He ISN'T ... if I wrong?
Afterall ... if He's REALLY Truth, He should be able to somehow impart peace to me about it, I would think, if I REALLY want to know.
I have some awesome news. He WILL ... for those who meet His criteria! They have to show Him their earnest desire to be willing to obey Him.
Here's the bottom line to the matter. He simply refuses to reveal that He's TRUTH to anyone who doesn't appreciate what He did for them by dying for them on the Cross -- which was to take their punishment for their sins and give them eternal life.
Secondly ... He won't reveal His TRUE IDENTITY to anyone alive on this planet unless there is a willingness on their part to allow Him to be Savior and Lord of their life - to be His disciple, in other words - a dedicated follower of Him.
So back to our beginning question? Which Bible is the most accurately translated? The most trustworthy? Bible scholars have been debating this question for years.
I don't struggle with the issue like I once used to as a infant disciple of Jesus Christ. I have several popular translations of the Bible, and use every one of them for different purposes -- for different reasons. Most mature Christians I'm come to respect do the same thing.
I've never been able to understand the original King James translation because of many of the words used in it like I'm able to understand, say the New King James translation. Anytime someone uses words I don't understand to help me understand God, and what God wants me to know about pleasing Him, I'll go to another Bible translation that is easier for me to understand.
It doesn't mean I'll quickly believe every word written in that translation until I compare it to the original King James translation, and a couple of others ... such as the New American Standard translation, and the Revised Standard translation ... but I realize this wisdom others have passed down that has helped them:
When they don't clearly understand a portion of scripture at any given time ... they just put the matter on an imaginary "doctrine shelf" - take the doctrine down of that "shelf" from time to time ... re-examine it; pray about it ... and be patient with the Holy Spirit. They realize it is the Holy Spirit who reveals the Bible to those who read it or hear it ... and He reveals to each of us what we truly need to know to be pleasing to our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope this helps you regarding the different translations of the Bible. Satan wants Christians dogmatically believing that one particular Bible translation is the ONLY one that has been accurately translated to place doubt in the minds of people that NONE of the translations can be trusted for accuracy ... therefore NONE of them can be trusted so don't read or listen to any of them! Don't fall for his deceit.
As a closing thought: if I wasn't able to have my own personal copy of any Bible period, like many people in third world countries have found to be the situation at different times ... I wouldn't waste much time and energy squabbling over which Bible is the best - which is the most accurate Bible translation - and which isn't, would I? I would be truly thankful for any translation I could get. I simply would have to be wise, depending on the translation I had, in what I believed in it, is all.
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