Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Questions & Answers About God, UFO's and Extraterrestrials:
By: Matthew Goh
Does God really exist?
The answer is yes, he is standing right next to you, right now. Open your heart and accept him, and you will experience his presence and love. Pray and admit that you believe in Jesus Christ, and ask for forgiveness and accept that his crucifixion is the only mean to cleanse your sins. If you close your heart and keep yourself away from God, then the answer to the above question is no. You will never experience his presence in your life, and you are 'very right' to say that God does not exist in this world.
Is Christianity a western religion?
I would not call it a religion, as there's only one God, the creator of the universe, and the creator of all human kind. So, all of us, regardless of race and culture, must worship one God alone. Jesus could be borne in any race, it did not matter, but God chose Israel as the birth place of Jesus, so that his wills could be fulfilled, as he promised. To me, this is not important, as we should not question his ingenuity. God loves all of us, regardless of race, culture, or the language we speak. External appearance has no value to him; it's about love and righteousness which he treasures. To some extent, we do not know what goes beyond life, perhaps there's only one new race in heaven, let's see.
Is human kind formed by evolution or creation?
To me, this is not important. By both means, we are still made by God.
Why God created mankind, and why the sufferings in life?
In the beginning, God created mankind to enjoy his love and the wonderful things he had made for us. It was supposed to be heaven-like environment. Most unfortunately, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to betray God. Since then our bond with God had been broken, and our fresh are weak and imperfect. We are all sinners by our own nature. Because of that, all bad things started to happen on earth, and it's no longer heavenly like as it meant to be.
God was hurt more than us. In order to save us, he sent his Son Jesus to earth to die for our sins. Jesus promises to cast out Satan, and he will build a new paradise, where all his believers can live eternally with joy.
I also look at the sufferings on earth as a way to prepare us for the paradise Jesus had promised to his believers. Without a taste of sour, how do we know what sweetness is? After been through the sufferings, we will then be able to fully appreciate the gift of paradise.
Why is there so much confusion in our world today, wars, diseases, disasters?
These are the works of Satan. Please let me brief you the end time phenomenons foretold in the book of Revelation. Nearing the end day, Satan will be extremely active to disillusion mankind and to deceive us to turn away from God. There will be wars, famines, diseases, earthquakes, floods, prosecutions of Christian, etc. Then the beast or the anti-Christ will emerge to rule the world. He will process such 'power' to do magic and wonders, and he will proclaim himself as 'god'. Many will be deceived by the beast and worship him, and given the mark '666'. Jesus will return to earth to permanently cast out Satan and non-believers of Christ, and throw them into the fire of hell. Then, there will be a new paradise where all believers of Christ will live eternally with grace, peace and joy.
Satan creates the problems and disasters in our world to deceive us that God does not exist. Many people will start to wonder; if there's God, why does he allow the problems and disasters to happen? It's harder to believe in God at this age of time, because Satan is so active to confuse us. As the end day gets closer, Satan will create more problems, disasters and disillusion signs and wonders to drive us further away from God. Satan works against God, and wants us to die with him in the fire of hell. At this time of chaos, we should believe in God and seek his protection so that we will not be harmed by Satan.
Does the UFO phenomenon contradict the Bible?
Not at all. The Bible mentioned about Satan's existence during the early stage of creation. It was Satan who deceived Adam and Eve to sin against God. Jesus, the Son of God was crucified to cleanse our sins caused by Satan. Hence it is the goal of Satan to deceive all mankind to turn away from God. The Bible did not describe clearly and exactly about Satan's plan nearing the end day, or what kind of signs and wonders his is going to do to deceive us. The UFO phenomenon and the possibility of another kind of living being exists in the outer space might be one of the greatest deceives created by Satan.
This makes me wonder who will be the anti-Christ or the beast with such great 'magical power' to conquer the world and to deceive human kind. Is he a human being or may be an alien from another planet created by Satan? Unfortunately I do not have an answer; please think about it.
Who is Jesus?
We all know that human consists of body, soul and spirit. God is a Trinity, consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In simple terms, these three combine and become God.
God sent his Son, who is also God himself, to come to earth as a human being, who was named Jesus Christ. The purpose of God's journey to earth was to deliver to human kind the Good News, and to be crucified on the cross, so that our sins can be cleansed and forgiven.
So Jesus is the Son in the Trinity of God, in human form.
Why do I have to believe in Jesus?
No one in this world can claim to be sinless. Heaven is so perfect that it cannot allow any sinful and imperfect person to enter into it. This is a simple logic, isn't it? I doubt if you can communicate with our perfect God when there's even a slight sin in your soul.
If you want to be united with God, and if you want to enter heaven and have eternal life, first, you must believe in Jesus, so that your sins can be cleansed and forgiven. That is the condition passed on by Jesus himself. Jesus clearly stated that you cannot see God the Father unless you see Jesus the Son. We have only two choices; to believe in Jesus or to reject. We have to make this important decision while we are still alive, or before Jesus returns on the end day when we do not expect.
How can I be sure that Jesus is the Son of God, and he is our saviour?
I myself and many Christians in this world can testify that our lives have changed after believing and accepting Jesus as our savior. We have experienced God's presence in our lives, and his love and guidance to help us fighting the evil inside us, which indeed is a life long process. We have found the true love and true happiness in our lives. You will be able to find the answer yourself, if you humble your heart, accept Jesus and allow him to cleanse your sins.
Long before the birth of Jesus, God promised his prophets; a King would be born in the land of Israel to save all human kind. Jesus was born by Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. He processes such wisdom and power similar to God. His love for us is so great that, he was willing to die for us through crucifixion, which is by far the most painful and terrible way of dying. After his death, he rose again on the third day, as he promised, and ascended into heaven. Jesus' life, his miracles and messages were recorded in four books in the Bible, written by four different authors.
The Good News delivered by Jesus cannot be challenged by any human intelligence, because it's the truth passed on by God. His prophesies cannot be changed by any supernatural force in the universe, because he is indeed our savior and the Son of God.
Why has God hidden himself, and why can't God show me physical signs that he really exists?
Since the creation of mankind, God has been saddened by our sins, because sins lead us to eternal death. He loves us so much and never gives up on us. Before the birth of Jesus, God kept showing his presence to mankind, and he even punished and destroyed the wicked ones to make humans feared him. He repeatedly called on mankind to repent by showing great miracles and signs, making them trembled before him. Even then, many still turned away from him, their hearts are so wicked, and they did all the sinful and evil things before God. He learned that by showing his presence to his beloved mankind could not save them.
Because of God's love for us, he wants to save us, and he wants us to have eternal life. As such, God carried out his greatest plan for mankind, he sent his son Jesus to be crucified for our sins. In order to receive the salvation, there is only one condition; we must believe in Jesus by our own free will. By our own free will simply means we believe without seeing the presence of God. There is no evidence of God. No one can find him or prove his presence by reason and logic. You must believe in him, only because your heart chooses to do so by faith alone. This is the only condition to receive the salvation, made possible by the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus.
To my understanding, because of this condition, God 'disappears' and 'hides' himself from the world. He does that to the extent of allowing Satan to cause sufferings and deaths to mankind, both Christians and non-Christians alike. God 'does not' reveal himself so that his great plan of Christianity and the crucifixion of Jesus (or God himself) are not made to vain. Obviously, to him, our salvation is much more important than showing his glory. Out of his love, God secretly shares with us our sufferings.
In the twentieth century alone, the world population increased from one billion to six billions. God is working very hard to save as many souls as he can. While he is 'hidden' from the world physically, but spiritually, he is actively working in the hearts of many Christians to spread the Good News to the remaining four billions non-Christians worldwide. Interesting to note that God improves our communication technologies as the global population increases, so that his Good News can be easily reached out to the world, coincidence?
Can bible or even science prove God's existence?
The answer is yes and no, it is God's intention to keep this answer neutral.
We Christians view the bible as the inspiration from God. It serves as guidance to our spiritual life. To us, the universe itself is the evidence for the existence of a creator.
Some non-believers try to find God by studying the bible, but they are lost and confused, instead of seeing the light, they find so many faults about God in the bible. They even turn to science to seek him, but they will never find him. Some atheists even use bible and science to argue against existence of God.
To my understanding, the non-believers will not find evidence on God's existence by studying the bible or by the understanding of science. It is also no point in arguing with the atheist about who's right or who's wrong. I can say that the only way to find God is to humble your heart, accept Jesus as your savior, and you will experience his presence in your life. That's why some atheists think that we have mental problem, simply because we are really different, as our hearts are filled with the Holy Spirit which they will never understand.
Why can't God save all mankind, regardless of believe or disbelieve?
God is love, righteousness and just. The crucifixion of Jesus is his greatest plan to bring back the salvation to mankind. However there is only one condition to receive the salvation, that is; we have to believe in Jesus by our own free will. Why so? That's the question.
I believe this condition is a heavenly justice which God has to withhold. It is so important and cannot be overruled by God himself.
To me, 'believe' means more than its literal meaning. For example, it's hard for an evil-doing person to believe in Jesus, because 'believe' is like the door to goodness, and out of his evil conscience, he chooses not to open it. May be, 'believe' is a test of our conscience and a judgment of our soul, although it might has a hidden meaning and a purpose in the heavenly dimension.
Once we have accepted Jesus as our savior, the Holy Spirit lives inside us so that our bonds with God can be restored. As Christians, we experience a change in life. We have the conscience and we feel guilty and ashamed of our sins. God continually teaches us and reminds us to repent from our sins. Although our fresh is week, but we love God truly, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it is possible to fight the evil inside us. Believe with your heart, and gradually you will have a good soul, but not perfect….. as only God alone is perfect.
I feel offended because you Christians preach that Christianity is the only truth, whereas my religion is more accommodating with the existence of other religions. Why so?
There are over 2 billions Christians in this world, believing in God without seeing physical signs and wonders. Through the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, we have developed a loving relationship with God. Because we love him, we want to serve him, we want to preach the Good News to all the people we love. Saving a soul is much happier and more rewarding than making a million dollar in material sense, because life is priceless. That's why you see most Christians are so willing to preach you the gospel, and unfortunately you might feel offended sometimes. Please accept our apologies. I hope you don't take this offensively, but instead you will see the strength of the Holy Spirit working on so many Christians worldwide, including myself.
Jesus himself stated that; one and the only way to have eternal life is to believe that he had died for our sins, and to accept him as our savior. That was the message passed on by God. So it is not a matter of who's right or who's wrong, it is the matter of the choice you have to make; to believe or to reject. There is no 'neutral' choice. You need to decide if you want to accept the salvation made possible by the crucifixion of Jesus, the Son of God.
Will God answer all my prayers, including wealth and fortune?
As a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ, you can be assured that your daily needs will be well taken care of. God's relationship with us is like father and son. A good father will not give his son too many material things during his young age to spoil him. However he will continue to support him as he grows up, and eventually he will give his son all he has, once he is convinced that his son is mature enough to inherit all his processions.
It is wise to pray and ask God to bless your career or your business. Work hard and pray even harder. You will find that your career will advance and your business will grow as your faith gets stronger. Eventually your faith will be so strong that success will not lead you into sins, and you will know how to make good use of your excess wealth to serve God.
God wants us to seek treasures in heaven and not the pleasures on earth. He will not allow us to have all the pleasures on earth if it causes us to lose our treasures in heaven.
Does God love me, and want me to believe in him?
Yes, God loves all of us. He keeps calling on us indirectly in a subtle and humble way. In fact, he is calling on you right now through this book you are reading. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, I do hope that you will humble your heart, do not reject God's call and accept his love for you.
I want to believe in God, and I want my sins to be forgiven, what should I do?
Glad to hear that. It's very simple -- just say this prayer in good faith;
"Oh God, please forgive my sins against you. I believe in you, and I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus came to this world to die for my sins. I invite your Holy Spirit to enter my heart, and guide me to live a good Christian life. Amen."
I believe in God, and I have accepted Jesus as my savior. What should I do after this?
Keep praying to God as often as you can. Don't be shy to share your problems with him. Ask him to guide you and help you in whatever things you are doing. Through prayers, you will be able to develop a close relationship with him. I can assure you that you will experience the presence of God in your life, his miracles and his love.
Practice to love God and worship him alone, and naturally you must stop worshipping other deities of other religions.
Attend the church service every Sunday. For a starter, I would recommend any Protestant church like; Churches of Christ, Seventh-day Adventist, Assemblies of God, Methodist, etc. Stay back after the service, and talk to the fellow Christians, tell them you are new, and ask them to help you out. Don't be shy, you will find many friendly brothers and sisters there. Try to join the bible study group organized by the church, which will help you understand more about God and Christianity.
OK last question, can you elaborate on the purpose of life, and what should I do to achieve true happiness?
A man's sufferings are caused by the evil in his heart like; greed, lust, pride, jealousy, etc. He finds happiness only by achieving material gains, as money heals his pains caused by his evil heart. But that happiness is only temporary, because the evil in his heart continues to grow, and that makes him greedier and hence he will never find long lasting happiness in his life. In another words, man suffers for his own evil.
To find the true happiness, we must first get rid of the evil inside us. Once we have accepted Jesus as our savior, the Holy Spirit will live inside our hearts and will fill our hearts with love. Loving God is the exact opposite of evil. The more we love God, the less evil we are, and the happier we will be. Imagine a heart with no evil but only love, how beautiful would that be. Love itself is so sweet, and we should pray that lets our love spreads to all the people around us. Let us not only love God, but also love all the people around us, that would be the most beautiful and happiest life we can get. Why say life is a suffering, which in fact can be beautiful and enjoying.
The two greatest commandments passed on by Jesus, 'love God and love your neighbors' are in fact the purpose of our existence, and indirectly he had taught us the secret to happiness in our earthly life.
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