Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11?

On Easter Day the veil between time and
eternity thins to gossamer.

There are a variety of interpretations out there in regard to the symbol of the Two Witnesses. At WLC we firmly believe that when He gave us the prophetic symbols of Daniel and Revelation, they were not meant be understood in many ways. For this is a call for confusion, and our loving Father is not a God of confusion (1 Cor.14:33 ). But the confusion often comes from failure to understand the dual applications of many of the prophetic symbols.

The Two Witness are identified in verse 4 as "two olive trees" and "two candlestick". These symbols are drawn from Zech. 4:1-6, 11-14. There they are said to represent "the anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth." Unlocking the spiritual meaning of the olive trees and the candlestick in relationship to the two witnesses, can be seen in the following quote:

From the two olive trees the golden oil was emptied through the golden pipes into the bowl of the candlestick, and thence into the golden lamps that gave light to the sanctuary. So from the holy ones that stand in God's presence His Spirit is imparted to the human instrumentalities who are consecrated to His service. The mission of the two anointed ones is to communicate to God's people that heavenly grace which alone can make His word a lamp to the feet and a light to the path. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." Zechariah 4:6. {Christ's Object Lessons, page 408.1 }

Since the fullest expression of His spirit is contained in the Scriptures of the OT and the NT, it can be assumed that they represent the Two Witnesses. This is the general interpretation of the Two Witnesses (i.e. the first application of this dual application symbol). The first interpretation of this dual application symbol [The Two Witnesses] is important, and easy to understand. However, it is the second application that is of utmost importance for us living in these last days. Here is our position at WLC with regard to the second application of the Two Witnesses within the context of Revelation 11:

-The Two Witness represent the faithful army of our Loving Father who are being prepared now to give the last call to the fallen world, during what is know as Loud Cry period, which will last 42 months or 3.5 years (verse 2 ). During the Loud Cry His faithful will be aided in their mission by the outpouring of Latter Rain (i.e. the Holy Spirit). This period will commence shortly after the impersonation of John Paul II by one of the Devil's fallen angels, after the passing away of the current pope, Benedict XVI. First on the agenda of the 'resurrected' pope would be the enactment of a universal Sunday Law . In enforcing this universal law, the USA according to Bible prophecy will play a major role. Sunday keeping will be enforeced as the only means for regaining world prosperity.

-During the 42 months there will be many martyrs for the truth (v.2).

-Probation for mankind will close at the end of the 42 months, and the live faithful ones will number 144000.

-The Seven Plagues will commence right after the close of probation, and they will last 30 days (1290-1260 prophetic times).

-During the 6th plague, a universal law for the destruction of His faithful at the end of 3.5 days probation (v.9 ) will be issued, and with it Jacob's time of trouble will commence for His people, the 144000.

-Just when the wicked are ready to destroy the 144000 at the expiration of the 3.5 days ultimatum, the Seventh plague will hit (Revelation 16:17 ) where our loving Father "with a great voice" will declare that "it is done." The end of suffering for the 144000 will take place the second the whole universe is shaken by His voice.

-Then there will be 45 days until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Daniel 12:12 ).

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